ZZ Plant Flower [Overview And How To Make It Flower!] (2024)

Hailed as one of the most important ornamental plants, the ZZ is a flowering plant that rarely flowers.

Generally, the ZZ plant flowers from the middle of summer to the beginning of autumn when it is 5 to 6 years old. ZZ plant flowers are unique, with spathe and spadix in yellow, creamy white, bronze, and pale green.

Making a ZZ plant bloom is fun if you like challenges that put your patience to the test.

Continue reading the article to learn how to make them bloom and how to care for them after they bloom.

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How Often does the ZZ Plant Flower?

The ZZ plants must be at least 5 to 6 years old to bloom. They rarely bloom in the wild and even rarely indoors.

This perennial, tropical plant usually flowers during mid-summer. However, the blooming season can last till early autumn.

Although the plant has a lifespan of about 10 to 12 years, its blooms will last about a mere 48 hours after they appear.

So, do not expect your plant to bloom every year. They may reappear, but that would require intensive care, and the blooming may be irregular.

ZZ Plant Flower Overview

ZZ plant is the acronym for Zamioculcas zamiifolia. It is commonly known as the Zanzibar gem, zee zee plant, aroid palm, and in some regions, as the eternity plant.

Many people admire the plant for its beautiful lush green small oval-shaped foliage rather than its flowers.

This plant produces unattractive flowers, but you will love the creamy white ZZ plant flowers.

Let us look at the basic overview of the ZZ plant flower.

StructureLong spadix with numerous small flowers surrounded by a spathe
SizeUp to 7 inches long
ColorWhitish-yellow to brown-bronze
FragranceNo fragrance
ToxicityToxic to pets and humans
LifespanUp to 48 hours
FruitsSmall berry-like fruits
Blooming SeasonMid-summer to early-autumn

The ZZ plants bloom once in a blue moon, and there are no pollinators indoors. As a result, the chances of your plant producing seeds are slim.

After pollination, the female flowers get fertilized; hence, the plant produces a berry fruit with one or two seeds.

The seeds are ellipsoidal and monocotyledonous and are pretty rare to come across.

How do you Pollinate the ZZ plant flower?

The inflorescence of the ZZ plant is called a cob, which consists of female flowers at the bottom and male flowers at the top.

There are rows of sterile flowers in between. As a result, there is a low chance of self-pollination. Hence, crawling insects naturally pollinate the flowers.

Upon maturity, the flower bends down as low as possible, hoping that some crawling insect will climb on the spathe.

The female flowers produce pheromones or perfume to lure male insects. These insects are led to believe that the pheromones are created by their female counterparts.

ZZ Plant Flower [Overview And How To Make It Flower!] (1)

So, they crawl past the male flowers at the top of the cob. They drop off tiny pollen grains attached to their bodies when crawling over female flowers at the bottom of the cob.

All of this occurs under the influence of pheromones. Hence, the pollination process is completed, and fertilization takes place.

The fertilized female flowers appear white, and fruits are formed shortly after.

How to Make a ZZ Plant Flower?

Here are some tips to make your ZZ plant bloom.

  • Maintain a temperature between 60-80°F for your plant to provide a suitable environment for flowering.
  • Give your ZZ plant at least 8 hours of bright indirect sunlight daily. Your plant will thrive in the west or north-facing window.
  • Provide Succulent fertilizer rich in phosphorus for your ZZ plant every 2 to 3 weeks during the growing season.
  • A well-draining potting mix with extra sand and perlite can benefit the ZZ plant.
  • Water your ZZ plant once every two weeks during summer and once every two months during colder seasons.
  • Maintain humidity between 40 to 50% for your plant.
ZZ Plant Flower [Overview And How To Make It Flower!] (2)
  • Select a pot of size 7-11 inches for a mature ZZ plant.
  • Check the plant regularly for signs of pests and diseases and eliminate them in time.
  • Prune the damaged, diseased, or dead stems and leaves in the spring and summer to encourage blooming.

Make sure you are not trying to make the plant flower during its dormancy, i.e., winter. All your efforts will be in vain.

Why is my ZZ Plant Not Flowering?

Your ZZ plants are not blooming? Well, it could be one of the following reasons.

Inadequate Sunlight Succulents like ZZ need a lot of light to bloom.
Temperature ExtremitiesZZ cannot handle the extreme fluctuations and won't be able to produce blossoms in such conditions.
Improper FertilizerIf you choose fertilizer that is rich in nitrogen but not phosphorus, it may hinder blossoming.
Over fertilizationToo much fertilizers will cause salt buildup in the roots.
Improper ContainerIf the planter is too big or too small for the ZZ plant, say bye bye to the idea of seeing the blooms.
Lack of Air CirculationLack of proper air circulation can degrade plant health and discourage blooms.
Pruning in Wrong TimeIf you prune the ZZ plant in wrong time, the plant will get stressed and focus its energy on the foliage.

What Should you do With Your ZZ Plant Flower?

Although the flowers are not much of a show, some people still choose to leave them as they are.

It would be best if you considered leaving the flower on the plant. Just enjoy its simple beauty.

But remember, flowering soaks away a lot of your plant’s strength. It would be best if you were especially concerned about a young ZZ plant.

If your ZZ plant flowered in an immature stage, it risks contracting various diseases. Your best bet is to take out the flower and let your plant mature.

ZZ Plant Flower [Overview And How To Make It Flower!] (3)

How to Remove the Flower from the ZZ Plant?

If your plant is mature, but you still want to remove the flower, here’s what you can do:

  • Wear protective gardening gear and sterilize the gardening equipment.
  • Grab the inflorescence with your hand and cut the bloom off the connecting stem.
  • You can also snip off the stalk of the flower at the base. But make sure you do not hurt the plant.

It is important to note that you should stop fertilizing your ZZ plant after it flowers. You can reduce the watering frequency well.

Avoid performing any transplants and propagations at all costs after the plant flowers.

ZZ plant has many benefits like purifying air, medicinal uses, table plant, etc., but the flowers do not have any specific uses to mention.

Health Considerations to Keep in Mind

ZZ plant may make an excellent addition to the decorations of your house, but it has one significant drawback you should consider.

All parts of the ZZ plant are toxic to your cats, dogs and you. This is because the cell sap contains calcium oxalate.

ZZ Plant Flower [Overview And How To Make It Flower!] (4)

Calcium oxalate is a compound that has a crystalline structure with sharp edges. Therefore, we recommend you wear safety gloves when handling leaves, stems, or seeds.

Pro Tip: It is always a good idea to wash your hands thoroughly after handling the ZZ plant.

If you have little children or playful pets in your living space, then you must consider moving the ZZ plant to a high place.

Even though consuming the plant parts is not fatal, severe symptoms like diarrhea and vomiting might occur. Mild symptoms include burning, pain, and skin swelling upon contact with the plant sap.

If there is skin contact with the plant sap, use soap and warm water on the affected part to get instant relief.

In case of emergency, call ASPCA at 1 (888) 426-4435 or Pet Poison Helpline at 855-764-7661.

ZZ Plant Flower Meaning

One of the common names for the ZZ plant is the ‘fortune tree,’ so you must have had an idea about its significance.

Speaking of common names, the ZZ plant has a plethora of them. Let us look at the terms and their meanings.

  • ‘Fortune tree’ signifies that the plant brings good luck and fortune.
  • ‘Eternity plant’ signifies that the ZZ plant is a sign of growth and assistance.
  • ‘Zanzibar gems’ signifies their spotless, dark green leaves.

According to the Chinese feng shui, the ZZ plant placed in the bedroom, dining area, and main door is responsible for spreading positive energy to the surrounding.

You can also gift this plant to someone to signify encouragement, dedication, and steadiness.

The glossy, dark green leaves that give the plant an artificial look signify vibrant life, and the colorful flowers signify a bright mind.

Watch the video to learn about ZZ plant care tips.

In the End

To summarize, the ZZ plant deserves a spot in your living space if you love indoor plants.

While the flowers may not be all that special, you will still love them after the long wait.

Even if you do not end up with a ZZ plant with a flower, the shiny dark green leaves will make an eye-catching display.

Get one for yourself!

ZZ Plant Flower [Overview And How To Make It Flower!] (2024)


ZZ Plant Flower [Overview And How To Make It Flower!]? ›

🌞 Balanced, indirect light and tropical conditions promote ZZ Plant flowering. 🌱💦 Optimized watering and low-nitrogen fertilization support blooming. 🕰️ Patience and consistent care are crucial, as blooms may take 5-6 years.

How do I get my ZZ plant to flower? ›

🌞 Balanced, indirect light and tropical conditions promote ZZ Plant flowering. 🌱💦 Optimized watering and low-nitrogen fertilization support blooming. 🕰️ Patience and consistent care are crucial, as blooms may take 5-6 years.

How rare is it for a ZZ plant to flower? ›

It's worth noting that ZZ plant blooms are relatively rare in indoor settings, as the plant typically requires specific growing conditions to produce them. However, if you're lucky enough to see one, it's a special treat that can add even more charm to this already delightful houseplant.

What does it mean when a ZZ plant flowers? ›

Blooms are the plant's way of saying, "You've got this plant parenting thing down!" It's a living testament to both the plant's robust health and your ability to mimic its preferred tropical conditions at home.

How do you make a ZZ plant happy? ›

Though it can tolerate lower indirect light, the ZZ thrives in medium to bright indirect light. It will be happy with a minimum of six hours per day and can tolerate up to 12 during the warmer months.

How do you encourage new shoots on a ZZ plant? ›

Propagating – As with peace lilies, division is the simplest way to propagate ZZ plants. Remove the plant from its pot and gently pull the rhizomes apart — they'll separate easily. Then repot the rhizomes, with "stems" and leaflets attached, at the same depth they were growing at before.

What are the disadvantages of ZZ plant? ›

ZZ Plant is Toxic To Humans 💀
  • Calcium oxalate & saponins in ZZ Plant can irritate skin and cause discomfort if ingested.
  • Handle with care: Wear gloves, keep out of reach of kids and pets.
  • 🚑 In case of exposure: Rinse, wash, flush affected areas, and seek medical help if severe.
Jun 8, 2024

Is it okay to touch ZZ plant? ›

ZZ Plant. The drought-tolerant ZZ plant makes a wonderful addition to low-light situations in homes and offices, but all parts of this plant are poisonous. Keep it away from children and pets, and wash your hands or wear gloves if you need to handle it.

How do I know if my ZZ plant is happy? ›

Check leaf appearance

ZZ plants store water in their rhizomes (underground stems), allowing them to withstand drought periods. If the leaves start drooping slightly, it may indicate the plant is thirsty. However, ZZ plants are resilient, and slight drooping is normal. Severe drooping leaves may indicate underwatering.

How often do ZZ plants grow new shoots? ›

ZZ plants aren't really fast growers. A plant this size probably won't put up more than 2 or 3 new stems per year – and they tend to occur in spurts rather than steadily throughout the year.

Can I use Miracle Grow on a ZZ plant? ›

How to Feed ZZ Plants. A month after planting, begin feeding ZZ plants with Miracle-Gro® Indoor Plant Food Spikes to provide a steady source of nutrition.

What can you do with ZZ flowers? ›

ZZ plants are known as flowering plants, but they very rarely produce flowers. Instead, the plant is known for its wide, dark green leaves. They can make great desk plants or floor plants and can grow quite tall if left alone.

Should I mist my ZZ plant? ›


To keep the foliage nice and shiny, clean with a damp cloth as needed to remove dust. Misting the leaves occasionally will also reduce dust buildup. Keeping your plant dust-free is good for its health too, because the leaves will be able take in more sunlight.

Can I sleep with ZZ plant? ›

Health Benefits of ZZ Plants

CAM lets a plant absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) and release oxygen at night. Thus, a ZZ plant in a bedroom can remove CO2 while you sleep.

Why is my ZZ plant crying? ›

It isn't a common reaction, but guttation is one way of helping the plant evacuate excess water around roots. It's a coping the plant uses to protect roots from rotting. Some plants use guttation to drain the soil around them like the weeping willow tree which thus is doubly weeping!

How do I make my ZZ plant fuller? ›

To encourage growth in your ZZ plant, ensure it gets moderate indirect light, water it when the soil is dry (about every 2-3 weeks), and use well-draining soil. Also, consider fertilizing with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer every few months during the growing season.

How often should a ZZ plant be watered? ›

Best Watering Practices for ZZ Plants

They prefer to dry out between drinks. Weekly watering might be too much; aim for every 1-2 weeks, letting the soil's top inch dry out first. Pour enough water to saturate the soil, then let it drain—no soggy bottoms wanted.

Do ZZ plants like full sun? ›

ZZ plants grow best in lots of indirect light (direct sunlight can cause the leaves to scorch), and thrive under the fluorescent lights of offices and commercial buildings. In zones 10 to 12, ZZ plants can be grown outside in areas with filtered light and well-draining soil.

Why is my ZZ plant not shiny? ›

Dull Leaves

A zz plant's leaves are typically very glossy and vibrant, so if you see that your plant's leaves are dull, your plant has probably accumulated dust. It happens! To get your plant polished up and glossy again, you can simply wipe the plant's leaves with a damp washcloth.

Why is my ZZ plant not growing new shoots? ›

When your ZZ Plant's growth is slower than a snail on a leisurely stroll, consider light levels, soil compaction, or nutritional deficiencies. Inadequate light equals weak growth, compacted soil means the roots are suffocating, and a lack of nutrients keeps it from reaching its potential.


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