Zinnia Garden Ideas - GardenProfy (2024)


Beneficial Companion Planting

Raised Cut Flower Bed

Whimsical Window Boxes and Pots

DIY Cottage Garden

Zinnias as a Border Flower

A Rainbow Garden

Pretty Pastels

A Variation of Texture

How to grow zinnia flowers?

Choose the right spot

Don’t overwater

Don’t over-fertilize

How to care for zinnia flowers?

Growing straight stems



What flowers pair well with zinnias?

Where is the best place to plant zinnias?

How do you arrange zinnias in a flower bed?

Do zinnias do better in pots or in the ground?

Do zinnias come back every year?

Can I just scatter zinnia seeds?

How long do zinnias last?

How many zinnias can you get from one seed?

What is the best fertilizer for zinnias?

Useful Video: Grow Color in you Vegetable Garden – Growing Zinnia and Marigold


Zinnias are easy to grow and can add beauty and color to your garden in a variety of ways. Whether you’re an experienced gardener or just getting started, zinnia garden ideas abound! Here we will answer questions about how to plant and care for zinnias, as well as offer tips on creating beautiful and vibrant gardens with zinnias.

Beneficial Companion Planting

Zinnias pair well with a variety of companion plants, such as marigolds and cosmos, which can help to attract beneficial insects. These blooms will also bring some much needed color and texture to your zinnia garden. As an added bonus, these flowers require similar growing conditions as zinnias (sunshine, water, and soils with good drainage). [1]

Raised Cut Flower Bed

When it comes to adding a bit of vibrancy and color to your garden, there is nothing quite like a raised cut flower bed. By raising the bed from the ground level, you provide your plants with more air circulation and better drainage for their roots. As an added bonus, you can easily access the flowers for cutting without having to bend over or kneel down.

To create a raised cut flower bed, use treated wood planks to make a rectangular frame that stands about 12-18 inches off the ground. Make sure your soil is well amended with compost for rich nutrients and moisture retention before filling the frame with dirt. To avoid issues such as disease and pests, choose varieties of Zinnia that are resistant to these problems. Plant your zinnias inside the frame at least 6 inches apart and water them regularly throughout the growing season. [1]

Zinnia Garden Ideas - GardenProfy (1)

Whimsical Window Boxes and Pots

Turn your window boxes and pots into beautiful floral displays with Zinnia. These cheerful flowers can be planted in any size pot or box for a delightful array of colors and shapes. Planting zinnias in a container is an easy way to add instant beauty and charm to your outdoor space. Choose from a variety of colors, sizes, and textures, such as the classic red and white stripes of the single-petaled Zinnia elegans. Or opt for the soft yellow beauty of the double petal Zinnia pumila. Planting zinnias in window boxes or planters also allows you to bring your garden indoors! Simply place your container near a sunny window, and enjoy the view of your beautiful blooms throughout the season.

For a unique display, try planting zinnias in a variety of sizes and colors. This will create an eye-catching effect that adds texture and interest to any garden. When selecting plants for your window boxes or pots, make sure to choose varieties that are suitable for container gardening. Zinnia angustifolia, which grows to between 6-12 inches tall, is one of the best varieties for this purpose. [1]

DIY Cottage Garden

If you’ve ever dreamed of having a cottage garden, zinnias are the perfect addition! These hardy flowering plants come in a wide variety of colors and sizes and can be planted as either annuals or perennials. What’s more, zinnias are easy to grow and require minimal maintenance.

When it comes to cottage gardens, zinnias tend to thrive in areas with full sun and well-drained soil. For best results, try planting a mix of tall varieties—like benary’s giant or lime yellow—and short types such as lilliputian or state fair mixed colors. When you do, you’ll create a vibrant display of both height and color. [1]

Zinnias as a Border Flower

Zinnias are a great choice for creating a border in your garden. They come in many different colors and sizes, so you can create contrast within the garden by pairing them with other flowers. The bright petals will draw the eye to the edge of your bed or container and add an extra pop of color to your outdoor space. To create a zinnia border, use taller varieties in the center of the bed and smaller ones around the edges. This will give your garden more depth and visual interest.

You can also add texture by planting other types of plants alongside your zinnias, such as ornamental grasses or even low-growing shrubs like lavender. [1]

Zinnia Garden Ideas - GardenProfy (2)

A Rainbow Garden

A Zinnia Garden is the perfect way to add a splash of color and vibrancy to your yard. Planting a rainbow of these bright, cheerful flowers will make any garden feel like an enchanted paradise.

When planning your Rainbow Garden, you should consider the type and size of zinnia that best suit your yard. There are many varieties available, ranging from small dwarf types to large showy ones. Depending on the space you have available, select zinnias accordingly.

Be sure to pick a variety of colors for your Rainbow Garden. You can start with warm hues like orange and yellow, then add cool shades such as purple and blue. To give your garden a touch of sparkle, include white or bicolor zinnias. [1]

Pretty Pastels

You can make a beautiful, soft statement in your garden with Zinnias. Choose from a wide range of pretty pastel colors like lavender and pink to create an ethereal feel. These delicate blooms will look amazing when arranged together as part of a grand display, or simply planted on their own amongst lush greenery. As an added bonus, Zinnias attract hummingbirds and butterflies, which can help create a truly magical atmosphere. For even more impact, use contrasting colors by combining your pastels with vibrant hues like sunflower yellow or bright orange. [1]

A Variation of Texture

A zinnia garden is great for creating a vibrant look, as the plants come in a variety of colors and textures. For example, you can plant some with petals that are smooth or ruffled, so you get an interesting mix of texture when the plants are in bloom. You can also choose from single-petaled varieties or double-petaled zinnias with a fuller look. Adding different types of foliage to the garden can also provide an interesting contrast in texture. [1]

How to grow zinnia flowers?

Choose the right spot

Growing zinnia flowers requires full sunlight for at least six hours a day. Zinnias prefer well-drained soil and should be planted in an area that receives plenty of sun and ventilation. Avoid places prone to frost or inundated with too much rain, as this can cause root rot, mold, and other issues. [2]

Zinnia Garden Ideas - GardenProfy (3)

Plant when it is warm

For best results, wait until your area has experienced several days of warm temperatures before planting Zinnias. While they can survive a light frost, they will not thrive in cold conditions. [2]

What to Plant in Raised Garden Beds?

Don’t overwater

Zinnias are quite drought-tolerant and don’t require a lot of water to survive. Overwatering can cause root rot, so take care to monitor the soil moisture when watering your zinnia plants. Water them only when the top layer of soil is dry to the touch. [2]

Don’t over-fertilize

Zinnias do best when lightly fertilized. Too much fertilizer can lead to lush foliage but fewer flowers. To get the most blooms out of your zinnia plants, use a liquid organic fertilizer every two weeks during the growing season. [2]

How to care for zinnia flowers?

Growing straight stems

With the right care, your zinnia garden will look beautiful all summer long. The key to healthy, vibrant blooms is to provide adequate water and fertilizer. Be sure not to overwater them, as too much moisture can cause root rot or other diseases. Planting in well-drained soil can also help prevent root rot. Additionally, you should give your zinnia garden some direct sunlight each day so the plants can receive enough energy to flower.

For a healthy plant and straight stems, stake or cage your zinnias when they are young. This will help prevent them from flopping over as they get older and heavier with more blooms. [2]


Deadheading (or removing spent blooms) is also important to keep your zinnias looking their best. This will encourage more flowers to form and, in turn, increase the life of the plant. Deadheading can be done with scissors or snips, and it’s best to do it regularly throughout summer. [2]


What flowers pair well with zinnias?

Zinnias look great when paired with many other colorful annuals like petunias, marigolds, verbena, and cosmos. For a more subtle contrast, pair them with ornamental grasses or foliage plants such as dusty miller.

Where is the best place to plant zinnias?

Zinnias prefer full sun and well-drained soil. They are fairly drought tolerant, so they can be planted in areas with little irrigation. Be sure to plant them away from trees or other plants that may shade them.

How do you arrange zinnias in a flower bed?

For a traditional look, plant zinnias in neat rows. For a more casual look, you can mix them with other flowers and plants for an attractive combination. You can also create interesting patterns by grouping zinnias of different heights or colors together.

Do zinnias do better in pots or in the ground?

Zinnias can be planted in both pots and the ground. In raised beds or containers, they may require more frequent watering than if planted directly in the soil. Pots are also great for creating a colorful balcony or patio display.

Do zinnias come back every year?

No, zinnias are annuals and will not return the following year. However, you can collect and save seeds for replanting in future years.

Can I just scatter zinnia seeds?

Yes, you can simply scatter zinnia seeds in your garden or flower bed. Keep in mind that they will need to be thinned out as they start to grow and spread. It’s best to sow the seeds slightly deeper than the package instructions recommend.

How long do zinnias last?

In ideal conditions, zinnias will bloom from mid-summer until the first frost. After that, you can collect and save the seeds for replanting in future years.

How many zinnias can you get from one seed?

Each zinnia seed will produce one plant. However, the plants will spread and you may need to thin them out as they grow.

What is the best fertilizer for zinnias?

A balanced fertilizer such as 10-10-10 will work well for zinnias. Apply the fertilizer according to the package instructions, usually once a month during the growing season. Be sure to water the plants after applying fertilizer.

Useful Video: Grow Color in you Vegetable Garden – Growing Zinnia and Marigold


Creating a beautiful zinnia garden doesn’t have to be difficult or expensive. With some careful planning and the right kinds of plants, you can create a stunning display that will bring color and life to any outdoor space. Consider your soil type, consider attracting pollinators to your garden by planting a variety of species, and also take into account the maintenance requirements for different varieties. With a few simple steps, you can create an incredible zinnia garden that will be admired by all who visit it. Enjoy!


  1. https://minnetonkaorchards.com/zinnia-garden-ideas/
  2. https://www.gardengatemagazine.com/articles/flowers-plants/plant-guide/zinnia-flower-growing-guide/

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Zinnia Garden Ideas - GardenProfy (2024)


How many zinnias can I put in a square foot garden? ›

I simply sow “about” eight seeds per square foot making eight holes about 1/4 inch deep and dropping about three seed per hole, cover with a little dirt and water. They take about 5-10 days to germinate and I thin when they reach a few inches tall.

How do you make a zinnia garden? ›

Spacing: Plant zinnia seeds a few inches apart in rows or clumps. Thin to 8 to 18 inches apart, depending upon the variety, once the plant has grown four leaves. Planting: Plant zinnias in spring after all danger of frost has passed, around the same time you'd plant tomatoes.

Do zinnias do better in pots or in the ground? ›

Zinnias are versatile and adaptable plants that thrive in containers just as well as they do in traditional garden beds.

What is the best fertilizer for zinnias? ›

A general-purpose fertilizer with equal amounts of nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium should be incorporated into the soil at the time of planting. After planting, zinnia should be fertilized monthly using a fertilizer with a higher phosphorous than nitrogen content to promote new blooms.

How far apart should I plant zinnias? ›

Sow and Plant

Poke seeds into the soil about one-half inch (1 cm) deep and 3 inches (8 cm) apart. Thin to 12 inches (30 cm) apart in all directions for dwarf varieties. Zinnia varieties that grow more than 24 inches (60) cm) tall require 18 inches (45 cm) between plants.

What happens if you plant zinnias too close together? ›

For cut flower use, Zinnias can be grown anywhere from 6-12” apart. Closer spacing encourages longer, straighter stems… but too close and you risk increased disease problems.

How do you arrange zinnias? ›

To bring out the beauty and brightness of the lovely zinnia, use the below floral arranging tips to make this underrated bloom shine!
  1. Leaves the stems long. ...
  2. Remove all the leaves from the stem. ...
  3. Leave open spaces. ...
  4. Pair zinnias with skinny filler flowers and greenery. ...
  5. Use double-flowering zinnias.
Aug 9, 2022

Can I just scatter zinnia seeds? ›

Even the planting process is easy. I put down fresh mulch, then sprinkle the Zinnia seeds where I want them. I don't worry about spacing or anything, I just scatter them.

How do I keep zinnias blooming all summer? ›

It's time to cut! Cut deeply on the plant to get a long, strong stem. Remove the foliage and don't be afraid to cut off side shoots on the main stem you just harvested. Zinnias are a “cut and come again” flower, so when you cut the plant “hard,” it responds by sending out even more long, strong stems all season long.

Do zinnias like mulch? ›

Zinnias love organic materials but do not require fertilizer. However, you can use compost, mulch or even fertilizer made specifically for cut flowers or raised garden beds. I used TRU Organic liquid all purpose plant food just once on my flowers by adding it to my watering can.

Why plant zinnias in vegetable garden? ›

Zinnias are one of the best annuals for attracting pollinators, especially butterflies. Interplant zinnias between rows of vegetables or as a border around vegetables to attract more pollinators to your garden. There are a few guidelines available for attracting butterflies to your yard using zinnias.

Why do farmers plant zinnias? ›

Zinnias are easy to grow

They're a flower that pretty much anyone can grow and can thrive in just about any adverse environment - dry, hot, humid, high wind - and grow vigorously and prodigiously. They can be started in trays or seed blocks, or can be direct sown in the ground, and will do quite well.

Is Epsom salt good for zinnias? ›

Feed plants with nitrate-based fertilizer at 200- to 250-ppm nitrogen. Interveinal chlorosis may indicate magnesium deficiency; supplement with MgSO4 (Epsom Salts) at 16 ounces/100 gallons. If grown on the lean side and too dry, zinnias may flower prematurely.

Can you put Miracle-Gro on zinnias? ›

The secret to growing the biggest, greenest zinnias is to fertilize them! I can't underestimate what a huge difference this makes. The zinnias on the left were fertilized several times with Miracle Grow- what a huge difference!

Should I water zinnias everyday? ›

Even though zinnias can tolerate short periods of drought, Mbofung-Curtis says they'll grow best in moist soil. "Water plants about three times a week so that the soil stays moist to about 6 to 8 inches deep," she advises. For potted plants, she recommends only watering them when the soil feels dry.

Can you plant zinnias in clusters? ›

Cutting gardens: Zinnias are unsurpassed as cut flowers and can be planted in a dedicated cutting garden. Plant them in rows or clusters to create an abundant supply of flowers for cutting.

What flowers are good for square foot gardening? ›

Some of our favorites include butterfly bush, dahlias, coneflowers, milkweed, snapdragons, daisies, marigolds, lavender, and sunflowers — all perfectly suitable for an SFG.

How many zinnia flowers per plant? ›

Zinnias are extremely prolific bloomers and the more you cut them, the more they keep blooming. I would estimate that I get anywhere from 12-25 stems per plant.


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