Mercer Global Investment Forums 2023: Atlanta, US (2024)

Defined contribution: The many flavors of delegation
Joseph Park, Director, Benefits, Simon Property Group
Miriam Tolbert, Defined Contribution Segment Leader – Southeast (Moderator)
Shonna Turner, Senior HR Director, North America, Riskonnect, Inc.

Defined contribution (DC) clients and Mercer experts discuss different models of delegation within DC plans, including the process for delegation, the appeal of different models, and the impact on members and HR colleagues.

Defined benefit:The end is just the beginning: Investing through a plan termination
Dave Cantor, Senior Investment Consultant
Chris Ebersole, Co-Chair, Defined Benefit Investment Committee

With plan funded statuses at 15-year highs and plan terminations accelerating, sponsors and their investment consultants/managers need to be prepared to design appropriate investment strategies. Although current hedging techniques are well known and employed, each plan termination requires a unique solution. In this session, we introduce a framework and discuss a case study in which the approach was successfully deployed.

E&F and Healthcare:Old issues, new questions: Alternatives in endowment portfolios
Gurjeet Dosanjh, Private Markets Consultant
John Jackson, Global Leader Hedge Funds Research
Kenny Pitman, Alternatives Investment Director

Each market cycle raises new questions about old issues: liquidity, rates and the evolution of capital markets. In this breakout, we explore the ramifications of the latest trends on the use of alternative investments in endowment portfolios.

Wealth management:Managing portfolios in a changing economic landscape
Jason Blackwell, Chief Investment Strategist, The Colony Group
Steve Doorn, SVP, Director of Portfolio Management, Legacy Trust
David Hyman, Senior Wealth Management Leader (Moderator)
Brian Pollak, Partner, Portfolio Manager, Evercore

The past decade, ending in 2021, was one of the best on record for traditional 60/40 portfolios. Investors now face elevated levels of inflation, higher interest rates and increased market volatility. Additionally, investors are rethinking globalization and considering ESG more thoughtfully. Ensuring portfolios are well diversified both across and within asset classes — as well as by geography, sectors, factors, investment styles and nontraditional market beats — remains critical.

Defined contribution:Mercer’s new defined contribution investment structure: The consultant and asset manager perspective
Jennifer Archer, Head of Institutional Defined Contribution & Consultants Sales, JP Morgan
Holly Verdeyen, US Defined Contribution Leader

Mercer’s new objectives-based defined contribution (DC) investment menu provides the backdrop for a debate about active versus passive in US large-cap equity, lifetime income implementation and the core DC menu options.

Defined benefit:Higher rates, higher stakes: How are you setting your hedging strategy?
Julia Kotchetkov, Senior Pension Strategy and Solutions Consultant
Erin Lefkowitz, Senior Fixed Income Portfolio Manager, OCIO

With the significant rise in interest rates during 2022, we find ourselves in a very different rate environment than we’ve seen in recent history. We discuss what that means for DB plan liability-hedging portfolios, covering the rules of the road for setting hedging strategy, how those rules may have changed in this new environment and what you should be thinking about from an implementation perspective.

E&F and Healthcare:Higher learning: What the NACUBO survey really says
Geoff Wilson, Senior Investment Consultant
Texas Hemmaplardh, Not-for-Profit Business Leader

At the end of every fiscal year, the National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO) surveys higher-education institutions on the investment management practices of their endowment portfolios. In this session, Mercer discusses some of the not-so-obvious insights and trends presenting important lessons for endowment fiduciaries.

Wealth management:Differentiating wealth management firms with an alternatives investment program
Toussaint Bailey, CEO/Founder, Uplifting Capital
Molly Bennard, CEO, Connectus Wealth Advisors
Andrew Snyder, Director, Product & Research, CAIS Group
Casey Wamsley, Senior Investment Consultant (Moderator)

We focus on the best practices for building out robust alternatives programs within wealth management, including reducing risk, lowering costs and achieving better client outcomes. This session outlines clear strategic plans for outlining institutional approaches to alternatives programs, including hedge funds, private equity, private debt and real estate. Avoiding the “flavor of the day,” this panel discusses how focusing on governance and strategy delivers differentiated outcomes for clients.

Defined contribution: Taking diversification to the next level
Kelly Henson, Senior Investment Consultant
Hugh Merkel, DC OCIO Portfolio Management Leader

As American retirement savings continue to shift from defined benefit (DB) to defined contribution (DC) plans, many DC plan sponsors are facing an increasingly complex challenge. Tasked with providing their employees with access to best-in-class retirement benefits, they’re also navigating an ever-changing legislative landscape and an increasingly litigious environment. As a result, plan sponsors are focusing on offering robust investment options for their participants’ portfolios. These sponsors seek to include less-traditional asset classes to improve participant outcomes via greater net-of-fee risk-adjusted returns. In this session, we discuss how DC plan sponsors can take diversification to the next level for the benefit of their participants while also complying with new legislation and navigating fiduciary governance concerns.

Defined benefit:Rethinking the return seeking portfolio for a new environment
Neeraj Baxi, US Defined Benefit Investment Research Director
Stephanie Lane, US DB OCIO Asset Allocation Leader

This session explores how to build a more effective return-seeking portfolio for a changed economic environment in which public equity is no longer the obvious solution. We tackle some of the hurdles plans face and explore how to overcome barriers to building the optimal portfolio.

E&F and Healthcare:Annual check-up: Taking the vitals of not-for-profit healthcare investment portfolios
Chris Cozzoni, Healthcare Practice Leader
Chris Kuhlman, Senior Investment Consultant

Many hospitals and healthcare systems are experiencing shrinking margins due to soaring costs for labor, goods and services. As a result, healthcare allocators are ensuring their investment portfolios have ample cash and liquidity to support the shortfalls from operations. At the same time, they need to generate returns to compensate for declining margins. In this session, we discuss how healthcare investors are positioning portfolios in the face of mounting operational challenges and volatile markets.

Wealth management: Balance sheet strategies
Thomas Hettinger, Strategic Advisory Leader, Guy Carpenter
Chris Tschida, Head of US Insurance

Guy Carpenter and Mercer experts discuss the benefits of holistically managing risk and capital for insurance companies. By aligning underwriting and investment risk through an enterprise view, insurance companies can improve the stability and growth of company value over time.

Defined contribution: DEI within DC plans
Jennifer Flodin, Central Region DC Leader
Tamara Larsen, US ESG Investments Practice Leader Keisha Olinger, Atlanta Office Leader (Moderator)

Using the tools of plan design, demographic analysis/personas and investment strategies, we examine ways to apply a DEI lens to retirement savings.

Defined benefit:Are alternative assets the ‘secret sauce’ your corporate defined benefit plan needs?
Nick Davies, Large Client Leader
Amy Ridge, Investment Director – Private Markets

Worried about complexity and cost in your defined benefit plan? Thinking about de-risking and possible pension annuity buyouts or plan termination? Concerned that alternative assets are expensive and illiquid? This session addresses these issues and discusses how to get the best out of alternatives to mitigate the cost while managing your pension plan risk. In the process, we sort the facts from the myths of investing in alternative assets.

E&F and Healthcare:Portfolio liquidity: What is it good for?
Chris Kuhlman, Senior Investment Consultant
Don Wehrmann, Senior Investment Consultant

Not-for-profit investors are reexamining their liquidity needs amid a rapidly evolving operating and market environment. As allocations to illiquid investments increase, institutions are searching for an efficient balance between maximizing returns and maintaining sufficient liquidity. In this session, we discuss how investors should evolve their portfolio liquidity needs.

Insurers:Private markets for insurers
Nelson Pereira, Alternatives Investment Director
Stephanie Thomes, Senior Insurance Investment Consultant

Insurers across various liabilities and size continue to allocate to the private markets to improve returns and grow surplus. Sustained growth in this area is unsurprising following a decade of low interest rates and the creation of more capital-efficient structures for US insurers. As a result, allocations to private markets have become a vital component of insurance companies’ investment strategies.

As an expert in the field of investment and asset management, I have a comprehensive understanding of the concepts discussed in the provided article. My depth of knowledge is demonstrated through a thorough analysis of each segment:

  1. Defined Contribution (DC): The Many Flavors of Delegation

    • Key Contributors: Joseph Park, Miriam Tolbert, Shonna Turner
    • Focus: Different models of delegation within DC plans, the delegation process, appeal of different models, and their impact on members and HR colleagues.
  2. Defined Benefit: Investing Through a Plan Termination

    • Key Contributors: Dave Cantor, Chris Ebersole
    • Focus: Designing appropriate investment strategies for plan terminations, introducing a framework, and discussing a case study with successfully deployed approaches.
  3. E&F and Healthcare: Alternatives in Endowment Portfolios

    • Key Contributors: Gurjeet Dosanjh, John Jackson, Kenny Pitman
    • Focus: Exploring the impact of market cycles on alternative investments in endowment portfolios, addressing issues such as liquidity, rates, and capital market evolution.
  4. Wealth Management: Managing Portfolios in a Changing Economic Landscape

    • Key Contributors: Jason Blackwell, Steve Doorn, David Hyman, Brian Pollak
    • Focus: Adapting portfolios to changes in the economic landscape, addressing inflation, interest rates, market volatility, globalization, and ESG considerations.
  5. Defined Contribution: Mercer’s New Defined Contribution Investment Structure

    • Key Contributors: Jennifer Archer, Holly Verdeyen
    • Focus: Discussing Mercer's new objectives-based DC investment menu, debating active versus passive approaches in US large-cap equity, lifetime income implementation, and core DC menu options.
  6. Defined Benefit: Higher Rates, Higher Stakes: Setting Hedging Strategy

    • Key Contributors: Julia Kotchetkov, Erin Lefkowitz
    • Focus: Examining the impact of rising interest rates on DB plan liability-hedging portfolios, discussing rules for setting hedging strategy, and considerations in the new rate environment.
  7. E&F and Healthcare: What the NACUBO Survey Really Says

    • Key Contributors: Geoff Wilson, Texas Hemmaplardh
    • Focus: Analyzing insights and trends from the NACUBO survey on higher-education endowment portfolios, providing important lessons for endowment fiduciaries.
  8. Wealth Management: Differentiating Firms with an Alternatives Investment Program

    • Key Contributors: Toussaint Bailey, Molly Bennard, Andrew Snyder, Casey Wamsley
    • Focus: Best practices for building robust alternatives programs within wealth management, emphasizing governance and strategy for differentiated client outcomes.
  9. Defined Contribution: Taking Diversification to the Next Level

    • Key Contributors: Kelly Henson, Hugh Merkel
    • Focus: Addressing the complexity faced by DC plan sponsors in shifting from DB to DC plans, emphasizing robust investment options, diversification, and compliance with legislation.
  10. Defined Benefit: Rethinking the Return-Seeking Portfolio

    • Key Contributors: Neeraj Baxi, Stephanie Lane
    • Focus: Exploring effective strategies for building return-seeking portfolios in a changed economic environment, overcoming hurdles, and optimizing portfolio construction.
  11. E&F and Healthcare: Annual Check-up of Not-for-Profit Healthcare Portfolios

    • Key Contributors: Chris Cozzoni, Chris Kuhlman
    • Focus: Discussing how healthcare investors are positioning portfolios amid operational challenges and volatile markets, ensuring liquidity, and generating returns.
  12. Wealth Management: Balance Sheet Strategies

    • Key Contributors: Thomas Hettinger, Chris Tschida
    • Focus: Highlighting the benefits of holistically managing risk and capital for insurance companies, aligning underwriting and investment risk for improved stability and growth.
  13. Defined Contribution: DEI within DC Plans

    • Key Contributors: Jennifer Flodin, Tamara Larsen, Keisha Olinger
    • Focus: Examining ways to apply a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) lens to retirement savings through plan design, demographic analysis, and investment strategies.
  14. Defined Benefit: Are Alternative Assets the 'Secret Sauce'?

    • Key Contributors: Nick Davies, Amy Ridge
    • Focus: Addressing concerns about complexity and cost in defined benefit plans, discussing the role of alternative assets, and debunking myths around investing in alternatives.
  15. E&F and Healthcare: Portfolio Liquidity - What Is It Good For?

    • Key Contributors: Chris Kuhlman, Don Wehrmann
    • Focus: Discussing how not-for-profit investors should reexamine liquidity needs amid market changes, balancing allocations to illiquid investments, and maximizing returns.
  16. Insurers: Private Markets for Insurers

    • Key Contributors: Nelson Pereira, Stephanie Thomes
    • Focus: Exploring how insurers allocate to private markets to improve returns and grow surplus, with a sustained trend driven by low interest rates and capital-efficient structures.

In conclusion, the provided article covers a wide range of topics within the investment and asset management domain, offering insights from experts across different segments of the financial industry.

Mercer Global Investment Forums 2023: Atlanta, US (2024)


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Mercer - Asset Management Company | Morningstar.

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Investment solutions for wealth managers and financial intermediaries. We offer independent research and advice, discretionary investment services and, single and multi-asset funds through highly-rated third party asset managers. Our solutions span geographies, asset classes and public and private markets.

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We're part of Marsh McLennan, the world's leading professional services firm in risk, strategy and people.

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Mercer Advisors has an average rating of 3.7 from 11 reviews. The rating indicates that most customers are generally satisfied. The official website is Mercer Advisors is popular for Investing, Tax Services, Financial Advising, Financial Services.

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Mercer is the world's largest human resources consulting firm. The firm has been ranked the #1 HR Consulting by Vault for several years running and is arguably the top global consulting leader in talent, health, retirement, and investments.

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Mercer is headquartered in New York City with offices in 43 countries and operations in 130 countries. The company primarily provides human resources and financial services consulting services to its clients.

Where is Mercer Global Advisors headquarters? ›

Mercer Global Advisors Inc is a national financial advisory firm headquartered in Denver, CO.

What type of firm is Mercer? ›

Mercer is a human resources consulting firm that helps organizations use the power of their people to enhance business success.

Who are the big three asset managers? ›

A robust literature describes the incentives and stewardship practices of the “Big Three” asset managers (BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street Global Advisors), often referring to these asset managers as “passive.” This is so common that the “Big Three,” “index fund,” and “passive manager” are used almost ...

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Mercer Super is a Public offer Retail fund.

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Asset managers manage investment funds on behalf of clients including through mutual funds, ETFs and private accounts, among other structures. Asset managers work to grow their clients' portfolios over time in order to help them meet their financial goals.


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